Version 0.2.0 released

Version 0.2.0 has been released. This one seems significant enough to bump up to the second major version number - now we're on version 0.2! The new version adds in "Hacks" as a new resource. These are gained at a base rate of one every two weeks (starting with week 2). Hacks can be used to freeze a building selection, keeping that particular building pinned  for the next two days. This freezing persists through rerolls, should you use those while the ability is active. If you build a frozen building, then the slot opens up for a new building on the next day.

Future updates will include new ways to spend Hacks and gain Hacks. So cyber, much punk.

The only other change for this week's update is nerfing the Organ Harvesting building so that it only uses Shanty Apartments (not Basic Apartments). The Basic Builder perk makes it too powerful of a building. I want to encourage "broken builds" and absurd amounts of income, but I want you to have to work a little bit for it! Basic Builder and Organ Harvesting are too easy of a ticket to victory.

Files 227 MB
Version 10 Feb 04, 2024

Get Neongarten

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