Neongarten 0.1.4 update.

Version 0.1.4 is out and ready to go. Here's the changelog:

-- New building: Toxin Branding. Corp Industrial building that triples the power of neighboring Toxic Waste Dumps, and adds +1 to its own income for every neighboring Toxic Waste Dump.
-- Added a small blurb during building placement about rotating buildings and changing layers. (Shout out to Archer for helping out here!)
-- Fixed a bug with Printing Presses where a single Printing Press accumulated all the Illegal building bonuses it was handing out.
-- Added a one-screen tutorial to the main menu.
-- Small buff: lowered the minimum height for the Corp HQ from Layer 5 to Layer 4
-- Small nerf: Corp Incubator now requires a Corp neighbor before it buffs nearby Legal Commercial buildings
-- Made building descriptions more consistent.

Happy building!

Files 227 MB
Version 5 Dec 24, 2023

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