Better onboarding

I've gathered some more feedback about Moondrop Mountain and I gather that I made the new player onboarding experience too slow. This update chiefly speeds up that process as well as providing more hints to the player about things to come.

Feature list:
- On the first game, players are limited to two seed types, Sunny and Shady, for six days. This update reduces that to three days.
- On the first game, the player starts off with two plants in good alignment with each other. Having a working example should help them figure out how the type / arrow system works.
- Added in some hint boxes that pop up overnight, informing the player about the mountain trail (and minigames) and the alchemy system.
- Reduced the default resolution from 1600x900 to 960x540. There's a full screen button still for people (like me!) that like the larger version.
- Fixed a bug where the perks for additional typed seeds never shows up (i.e., sunny seeds, damp seeds).
- After the player has clicked on the house to rest at night, Jay no longer continues walking into the door as dusk settles in.

Files Play in browser
Version 33 Oct 22, 2021

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